What’s news?

Examples of News Sentences One of the most common examples of news sentences is the one saying, “NSA leaker Edward Snowden is broken”. In fact, that sentence could be an example of a very good news story. This news would indeed bring some good information about people and the current state of the national security agency.

Different Examples of News Sentences In fact, there are a lot of news sources that would say that Edward Snowden is a national security leaker. This is the opposite of what most newspapers and other media sources have to say. It is therefore up to us to decide what is newsworthy and what is not. What is newsworthy for me may not be as newsworthy to you. That’s why we all need to make sure that we are getting the correct news sources in order to make sure that we get the correct information and the right news.

Examples of News Items From the New York Times: A study by the New York Times indicates that the implementation of paid surveys on US-based internet sites like eBay is having a positive effect on the US economy. The use of the internet by consumers has helped the traditional local newspapers improve their revenues by attracting more customers, while also providing the opportunity to provide more original news stories. A few years ago, most newspapers printed all news items, but now they only publish the most important ones.

Examples of News Sentences from other major newspapers and/or magazines: The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Financial Times (FT), Business Times (BD), International Herald Tribune (IHT), Australian Financial Herald (AWH), and Business Journal Online (CJN). These examples of news sentences do not mention anything about the actual news or the importance of the situation, but they focus on the newsworthiness of the information. As an example, the editorial note says “The chief executive of a bank was confronted with a barrage of questions at a town hall meeting in upstate New York on Friday night, telling stories that were less than flattering about his own image and handling of issues at the bank.” However, this news source emphasizes the importance of the story and says that the editor’s note does not reflect the paper’s editorial policy.

Examples of News Items from the New York Times: An article from the New York Times discusses the rising cost of gasoline in the US due to the recent weather conditions. The article discusses new business models that are being implemented to offset these high fuel costs. For example, instead of using a local gas station as the main source of fuel for a vehicle, drivers can use alternative fuel sources. The article also says that the rising cost of fuel has caused a number of problems in the US such as high unemployment, reduced consumer spending and slower economic recovery. This article mentions a new business model called Green Energy that is being used by several New York Times columnists to offset the high cost of fuel.

A news article from the Connecticut Daily News talks about the popular failed restaurant named the Rocket Bar. In the news article, it talks about how the restaurant was forced to close its doors after a fire that killed one person and injured several others. The owner of the bar, Robert DiMeo, is quoted as saying that he inherited the Rocket in January from his cousin. He said that the family had always focused on serving families and took pride in creating the best kitchens in the city. This article ends with a quote by Connecticut Governor Joseph Gage, who called the tragedy a sad example of how people use social media to negatively affect their lives: