Medicine Animal Testing Issues

The practice of animal research can range from simple experiments done on non-human animals to detailed, multi-million dollar studies on people and animals. Some animal rights activists have made it their mission to halt this relentless exploitation, and some scientists feel that if this is stopped, our understanding of the human brain will be hindered as well. There is also the concern for the effects that some animal research may have on humans, such as those involving stem cells or brain tissue. Both sides of this debate often have strong points of view and often seem to reach a deadlock.

The fact of the matter is that although some experiments on animals may raise ethical questions, there are many benefits to be derived from animal research. For example, the benefits to human and animal health of using various species in laboratory tests to research the effect of disease on humans are well known. Similarly, studying the effect of antibiotic drugs on animals has shown to be very useful in helping doctors treat patients.

However, some argue that by allowing animal research, we are giving up control over our society. Many people feel that animals are better able to deal with disease and suffering than they are able to show us. To them, medicine is merely a process of making animals sick so we can treat them better. This is not a new argument, as it goes back to the beginning of the human culture. However, it seems that this point of view is becoming more entrenched as people become more educated about the importance of animal rights. In addition to the huge amount of money involved in animal experimentation, the fact that some species are used for experimentation can cause major ethical problems.

There are two main arguments that animal rights activists make against the practice of medicine animal testing. The first is that medicine is not meant to harm animals, and therefore the use of drugs on animals should not be allowed. This is usually followed by a second position, which is that if drugs do cause harm to animals, it is the duty of the owners and manufacturers to pay for those damages. This means that if a dog gets cancer from chemotherapy, the owner has to pay for the treatment or the courts can step in and make a compensation claim.

Animal rights activists are very aware of the pharmaceutical industry’s use of animals in tests for human medicines. Many people have signed petitions to stop the practice of animal testing, and there have even been efforts to form groups nationwide to enforce this cause. If these groups succeed, it may completely replace animal testing as a method of medicine manufacturing. The other argument against medicine animal testing is that it compromises the quality of human medicines. It is difficult to test every potential drug on humans, and this is one of the reasons why pharmaceuticals use the kidneys and liver of animals in their tests.

One way of finding out about the safety of a medicine animal drug is to look at animal trials. These are generally small samples given to healthy volunteers who sign a contract agreeing to be tested. They are asked questions about the way the drug is given, and any side effects that they may experience. This is a way of finding out whether or not the medicine is really safe and will tell you if the potential dangers are real or just hypothetical. Medicine animal testing is expensive, but it is necessary to ensure the safety of medicines for human beings. Without this testing, doctors and pharmaceutical companies may be liable for injuries caused by drugs given to patients.